Cyber Threat Intelligence

This test assesses the ability to gather, analyze, and utilize cyber threat intelligence.

  • Skills required
  • Test Structure
  • Useful Resources

Skill Required

Cyber Security
Cyber Security

Cyber security is the application of technologies, processes, and controls to protect systems, networks, programs, devices and data from cyber attacks.

Threat Analysis and Detection
Threat Analysis and Detection

Ability to analyze and detect emerging cyber threats through monitoring and intelligence gathering.

Incident Response and Mitigation
Incident Response and Mitigation

Expertise in responding to security incidents and mitigating potential damage by leveraging cyber threat intelligence.

Test Structure

Section 1

Introduction to Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI)

This domain provides an overview of Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI), focusing on the processes and methodologies used to identify, assess, and mitigate cybersecurity threats. It includes understanding the types of threat intelligence (strategic, operational, tactical, and technical), the role of CTI in enhancing an organization’s security posture, and the importance of data collection, analysis, and dissemination. CTI empowers organizations to proactively defend against cyber threats through informed decision-making and timely response.

Cyber Threat IntelligenceThreat DetectionRisk MitigationThreat AnalysisCybersecurityIntelligence SharingProactive Defense

Section 2

Threat Intelligence Lifecycle

The Threat Intelligence Lifecycle involves the structured process of gathering, analyzing, and utilizing threat data to protect against cyber risks. It’s like a detective solving a crime: you first gather clues (collection), investigate their meaning (analysis), use the findings to predict future threats (dissemination), and act on that knowledge (feedback). The cycle is continuous, as new threats emerge, making it necessary to adjust strategies and keep learning.

Threat IntelligenceData CollectionCyber Threat AnalysisThreat PredictionRisk MitigationInformation Sharing

Section 3

Threat Intelligence Platforms and Tools

This domain covers the use of Threat Intelligence Platforms (TIPs) and related tools for the collection, aggregation, analysis, and sharing of cyber threat data. It focuses on understanding the key features of TIPs, including integration with open-source, commercial, and internal threat intelligence sources. The domain also explores how these platforms leverage automation, machine learning, and analytics to detect, prioritize, and mitigate threats in real-time, enabling organizations to enhance their overall cybersecurity posture and response capabilities.

Threat Intelligence PlatformsTIPsCyber Threat AnalysisThreat Data IntegrationAutomationMachine LearningCybersecurity Tools

Useful Resources

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